Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Zaftig Pea in a Pod

When we last saw Owen bathing, he was happily seated in his Wash Pod, feeling all contained and secure, if a bit solemn.  Fast forward to a month ago, when I gave Owen a bath in his Pod only to discover what happened when he played with his new favorite toy -- his toes -- in his tub.  The answer is:  he gets rather wedged in, making it hard to lift his slippery chub and enrobe it in a ducky towel.  When I lifted him up, the tub came too!  Oh dear.

So we got a basin tub for intermediate bathing, and he now mostly takes a daily bath in his tub in a tub, sitting up, kicking his feet and eating his wash cloth.

Next stop:  a pool and a natty pair of trunks?

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